5 Credit Card Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes

Some people might have prejudice against using credit cards because they worry they would end up with too much debt. This is a valid reason, however, if credit cards are used appropriately, you may end up saving a lot more than you think!
Here are 5 credit card mistakes that many people make, especially new credit card users.

Mistake #1 – Not checking your personal credit reports

Your personal credit reports are like report cards to banks. You should ensure that the information in your credit report is accurate. Make sure your report doesn’t list any debt that you don’t have. Having inaccurate listings may make you look like a person with poor credit, thus lowering your chances of obtaining a credit card (or any loan) from the bank. For more information on how to obtain a copy of your credit report, follow the instructions on Bank Negara’s website here.

Mistake #2 – Not tracking your credit card expenses

Once you have obtained your credit card, you will probably be tempted to use it all the time, and not be bothered to remember what you spend on. That is a HUGE mistake. Debt can accumulate very quickly if you don’t track your expenses closely. By tracking your expenses, you can make sure that your spending is within your monthly budget, thus avoiding any debt situation.

Mistake #3 – Forgetting balance transfer cutoff dates

Some banks offer 0% or lower interest rates when you transfer your credit card balance over to your new card. However, this offer usually only lasts for a certain period (the conditions are usually written in the fine print which many people do not bother reading). Find out when the balance transfer period ends and make sure you clear off your outstanding balances by the due date if you don’t want to be surprised.

Mistake #4 – Not reconciling your credit card records

If you do not track your credit card expenses (mistake #2), you probably don’t reconcile your credit card records either. Tracking and reconciling your personal credit card records to the records of your credit card issuer can help detect any mistakes, errors or even fraudulent transactions.

Mistake #5 – Failure to update automatic payment arrangement

For convenience, many people set up automatic payment of bills every month using their credit cards. What happens if your old card expires and you are issued a new one? These standing orders are often forgotten. Bills can be left unpaid, leaving you with interrupted services and outstanding payments, which will not be pretty on your credit reports.


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